Owen is getting to be such a big boy. This was a big week for him. He is still doing well going to sleep. He started earlier this week taking 35 minutes to fall asleep on his own. Then is was 15, then 8, then 5 minutes last night. And he only woke up once during the night. All this extra sleep has given him the energy to master new skills this week.
Owen can get himself from his belly to a sitting position all by himself today. I realize all kids learn how to do this, but it was pretty amazing to watch him figure it out and perfect this skill.
He also pulled himself to standing along the couch a couple times. And he took a few real steps holding onto grandma Marla's hands.
At this rate he will be riding a bike next week:)
Holy Adam! He looks so much like Ad did, just sweeter....tehetehe! Jk Ad<3 What a big boy, get that bike ready, cuz it WILL happen sooner than you think!