January went by in a flash. I think it was because we were so excited to start our family vacation - one whole week in Tahoe! Well Adam had to go and get himself hurt and ended up needing knee surgery. Of course it was scheduled for the 1st day of our trip. So, I packed him up in the truck right out of surgery and drove straight to the cabin where Grandma, Owen, Auntie Jess, and Cousins Liz, Evan and baby Paige were already waiting.
This was the last time we saw this smile that day, and for the few days following the surgery. It was just not the same having a family vacation without Adam goofing off, making everyone laugh, scooping the dog poo, shoveling the snow, packing and unpacking the vehicles every day, and carring all the heaving stuff. (Good thing Evan came along to help out with some of the man chores) But Tahoe was a pretty nice place to spend a week in recovery from surgery and there was a ton of people who could help fetch stuff for the patient.
PS. His knee is healing up quite nicely. Thank you to the kind person who donated their ACL, (post-mortem).